Who we are

St. Thomas Mission is an Anglican Church at UBC on the westside of Vancouver. Our diocese is the Anglican Network in Canada.  Our focus is growing in Christ through the rooted ancient spirituality of the church.  We worship using the patterns set in the historic liturgy, and practice the soul training exercises (also called spiritual disciplines) of the saints.  We emphasize hospitality as a foundation of fellowship and community in which we pursue spiritual formation and committed discipleship.  

We worship at 5.00 pm on Sundays at University Chapel, and gather at times through the week for prayer, fellowship, Bible study, mentoring and worship. 

Our Sunday Liturgy

Our sevices follow a certain pattern, or liturgy. The word "liturgy" is from the Greek meaning "to serve."  Liturgy is a way in which everyone can participate, knowing what to do and when. In our liturgy we move through confession, absolution, corporate singing, the preaching of the word, profession of faith, prayers of the people, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Liturgical worship involves the whole body and all the senses as we stand, sit, kneel, confess, and pray together. Banners, furnishings and robes in various colours, the use of incense on occasion, and varied emphases in the liturgies expand our concept and experience of worship and life in God. Our printed booklets will help and guide you. 

A few years back we created a series of videoes to help people become familiar with liturgical worship. You can watch the videos here


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